Our Minecraft World

The Minecraft blog about our Minecraft world.


This world was created by Shubhajit, Broveer, and Aryan to celebrate the end of their CBSE class 12 board exams.

9 April, 2024

Unlike yesterday, Shubhajit joined the game alone, and AryanX2OP and Broveer didn’t join at all. Shubhajit was determined to cover up for his two-day absence, so he decided to start the day off by creating a proper food source: cow pen. It had only two cows in the beginning but soon a full herd of cows started to live there.

Shubhajit also created a ditch where he could breed farmers and also trade with them if required. He created a new job of a librarian, who sells enchanted books and bookshelves.

Minecraft in-game screenshot of a ditch with villagers and their bads inside of it, seen through glass blocks.

8 April, 2024

Broveer, excited to buy the diamond Armor from the maxed-out Armourer, joined the world early followed by AryanX2OP. Unfortunately, Shubhajit wasn’t able to continue the adventure today due to prior commitments.

Though their Armourer was willing to sell a full diamond armor, the crew was missing emeralds. Broveer calculated that they require 261 emeralds if they are to buy diamond armor for the trio. Their plan to gain the aforementioned number of emeralds was to sell clay to the mason, which was easy money, then using their 8x18 crop farm, they could sell beetroot, carrots, and potatoes to the farmer. For some reason, they decided to venture out into the world in search for some more villages, so that they could trade with the villagers there since their current village only had three villagers due to an incident that included the death of the iron golem and about half a dozen villagers.

They did find a village but they had been there before and accidentally caused a massacre of the villagers by an intentional raid which led to that village being left uninhabited.

Later, they found another one atop a huge mountain that looks quite resourceful. Broveer reached there first and found a cleric, a librarian, and a fletcher. He even looted 3 emeralds and then guided AryanX2OP to reach where he was. They then logged out for the day inside one of the houses that had a bed.

7 April, 2024

AryanX2OP and Broveer logged in to start their activities for the day, but there was no communication from Shubhajit. So, in order to not waste any time, the duo began the day anyway.

They spawned right where they left, near the nether portal. Their main objective for the session was to find a Nether Fortress that would be more helpful in defeating the Ender Dragon than the Bastion that they had found yesterday. Last time, the turned right after exiting the portal up the Z-axis. This time they decided to go the opposite way.

On their journey they saw not pools, but entire lakes of lava. AryanX2OP had equipped well for this situation, as he could build over the lava with his near-endless inventory of netherrack. Broveer, on the other hand, had tons of wooden logs and planks, both extremely flammable. These would soon prove to be fatal for one of the players.

AryanX2OP and Broveer had ventured for around 700 blocks down the Z-axis when they found what they needed, a Nether Fortress. The fortress could be lethal for some if not explored carefully. The duo climbed up to the fortress by building a staircase out of netherrack and received the achievement. They tried to explore as much as they could but made absolutely zero progress because they didn’t want to face the Wither Skeletons with a shield that would break in a few hits after which they would be completely defenseless. So, they decided to note down the coordinates of the location and head back to the overworld.

While they were going down the poorly constructed staircase, AryanX2OP missed a step and fell right down, but he survived as there was an approximately eight-block-wide island of basalt in the huge pool of lava. He was, though, only on two hearts. He ate as much as he could to regain some health but was too late as a magma cube started to attack him and took his life. AryanX2OP respawned back at the village, worried that his loot was burnt in the lava, Broveer reassured him as he saw that most of his equipment was still on the basalt platform.

To avoid such incidents in the future, if they ever came to the fortress again, Broveer decided to create a platform halfway up the stairs. But he stupidly used his wooden planks to create it. It was very late when he realized that wood catches fire very easily in the nether. As he was expanding the platform a part of caught fire and when he went to put it off, he fell. But this time, not on the basalt, instead he fell into the lava pool. He tried his best to survive in his last few hearts, he was almost at the top and was eating a golden apple, but alas, before he could finish the apple, the lava finished him.

The duo never attempted to see if their items were still there or not. So, after so many days it is assumed that their loot has either despawned and/or burnt in the lava. It was a sad day, but with a few emeralds that they had, they managed to buy two iron helmets, two pairs of iron boots, two chainmail chest plates, and two chainmail leggings from the Armourer. This transaction caused the Armourer to get upgraded to Expert level.

The duo then went on a mining spree. Both found a decent amount of iron which could be used to sell to the Armourer in exchange for emeralds. During this time, they managed to find a collective of 10 diamonds, which they used to make two diamond pickaxes, and left the rest in one of the chests in the village. They traded the iron for emeralds and then the emeralds for more armor. This made the Armourer to level up to Master.

So, it wasn’t entirely a sad day at the end as the duo decided to log out for the day.

5 April, 2024

Like yesterday, AryanX2OP and Shubhajit joined before Broveer and were fighting a pillager. They planned to start a raid on their village. As soon as Broveer logged in, they started the raid. Within seconds, the first wave of the raid began. AryanX2OP, Broveer, and Shubhajit fought all the pillagers' wave after wave and no lives were lost… of the players, of course. All the villagers were killed in action due to the negligence of the trio. Now, the village was a ghost town.

The trio shook it off and began to complete the Nether portal. They were missing some obsidian blocks and there wasn’t even any lava pool that they could use to create obsidian. They got the idea to break the corner blocks of obsidian and use them to complete the portal. They successfully did so and lit up the portal.

4 April, 2024

AryanX2OP and Shubhajit began exploring the nearby landscape while they waited for Broveer to join. By the time he entered the game, they had already found a ruined portal nearby. Broveer rushed to see it. When he reached AryanX2OP Shubhajit was trying to gather resources to complete the Nether portal. Broveer suggested that it would be easier to make it if they had a diamond pickaxe. So, they went into a nearby mineshaft and kept going as deep as possible.

The trio searched for a long time to see if there were any exposed diamond ores in the long and deep caves. They were becoming less and less optimistic when Broveer found a vein of 4 diamond ores. The team was now excited to find more and soon AryanX2OP also gathered 2 diamonds. Shubhajit was finally able to find a really big vein of 5 diamond ores, and mined them. AryanX2OP and Broveer gave their diamonds to Shubhajit so that he could create diamond pickaxes for all of them.

This would make it easier to mine the obsidian blocks. The team surfaced after navigating the extremely confusing caves and even getting lost two times. After they cam back to their village they decided to call it a day. They planned to complete the Nether portal the next day.

3 April, 2024

This day, along with Shubhajit, AryanX2OP, and Broveer also began their Minecraft journey, arriving at the world spawn point. The trio ventured across the vast lands of Minecraft heading towards the nearest village marked by Shubhajit in his previous life. It had already been looted by him so the rest of the team had to do everything by themselves.

They set up camp there and made arrangements for food. Not long after staying in the village, Broveer and Shubhajit created leather armor for themselves and AryanX2OP. They used dyes to color code each of their armors: Blue for Broveer, Red for Shubhajit, and Yellow for AryanX2OP. They said goodbye to the session and left the game.

2 April, 2024

Shubhajit entered into the world on Day 0 beginning his journey as a sole advance party member, to pave the initial path for his teammates to follow. In his voyage, he discovered 2 Villages and 2 Shipwrecks. Unfortunately, the day ended on a sad note, when Shubhajit died underwater while trying to loot a shipwreck. He claimed to have found a lot of items which were lost during his death when he spawned on the world spawn point unable to find where he had seen the shipwreck and too tired to go looking again.